Jazz Brown

Art Mediums: acrylic on canvas


Jazz Brown is an autodidact working in acrylic paint to create vivid, expressive compositions. His art presents intense vibration through contrasting hues, shapes, and textures. The Minimalism art movement and Bebop jazz from the 1960s inspire his work. Brown describes his technique as “cosmic deconstruction.”

Brown has exhibited in various galleries and exhibitions, including Martyr Sauce, Bridge Productions, Seattle Municipal Tower, and twice at Out Of Sight, a survey of artists based in the Pacific Northwest. He was featured in City Arts Magazine on The 2018 Future List, a selection of emerging creatives. In addition, he has completed several public murals, most notably a project with Meta Open Arts (formerly known as Facebook Open Arts). His paintings are represented by J. Rinehart Gallery in Seattle, WA.

“My verve for creation was originally inspired by the work of Frank Stella, famous for the quote, “What you see is what you see.” For the first time, I realized that understanding art could be counterproductive to the encounter with art. Everything is ultimately geometric; existence is its own blueprint.”

“I present my paintings as experiences, like one would experience a flower or sunset. Attempting to understand or misunderstand the work removes the witness from the totality of the encounter.”

“Inspired by Frank Stella, I wanted to visually express the aural experience of listening to Miles Davis and John Coltrane. In the process I realized that everything is fundamentally connected, that painting and bebop are basically one expression. Painting became effortless as a result, the idea of separateness evaporated, art became all play and no work.”

Etah; acrylic on canvas; 48” x 72”.

Unoffended Freedom; acrylic on canvas; 30” x 48”.

Ice Cold; acrylic on canvas; 22” x 28”. 

Danke; acrylic on canvas; 40” x 30”.

The Fountain; acrylic on canvas; 40” x 30”. 

Every Thing Is Everything; acrylic on canvas; 24” x 30”.




Hernan Paganini